Heather Mae Erickson. Head of Ceramics, Assistant Professor

Heather Mae Erickson. Head of Ceramics, Asscociate Professor

Ron Laboray, Head of Painting and Drawing, Associate Professor

Ron Laboray, Chair of SOAD, Head of Painting and Drawing,Professor

Tatiana Potts, Printmaking, Assistant Professor,

Jillian Ohl, Graphic Design, Assistant Professor

Susan Martin, Photography

Susan Martin, Photography, Assistant Professor


John Seefeldt, Graphic Design, Assocaite Professor

Seth McCormick, Art History, Associate Professor

Seth McCormick, Art History, Associate Professor

Patrice Brown, Assistant Professor of Interior Design

Erin Tapley, Chair, MAT Director, Associate Professor, Artist, Dreamer

Erin Tapley, Art Education, Professor, Artist, Dreamer

Jon Jicha, Graphic Design, Professor

Jon Jicha, Graphic Design, Professor (Emeritus)

Matt Liddel, Head of Print + Book Arts

Matt Liddel, Print + Book Arts (Emeritus)

Mary Anna LaFratta, Graphic Design, Associate Professor

Mary Anna LaFratta, Graphic Design, Associate Professor (Emeritus)

Nathan Ellis Perry, Adjunct / Painting and Drawing

Ben Hamburger, Adjunct / Painting

Martha Neaves, Adjunct , Painting, drawing, 2D design

David Skinner, Adjunct, Painting and Drawing

Julia GArtrell, Visting Artist 2022/2023
